Support & Servicing
Branell's involvement does not end with delivery to the customer. Our commitment to development and manufacturing quality means that we can offer a wide range of support and servicing options for our clients.
Standard Product Warranty
All products come with a minimum of a one year warranty covering defective design and manufacture.
Branell consults with clients to determine the cause of technical problems. Often the cause in South Africa can be power quality and lightning related and the findings are used to formulate technical specifications for new products. Different options and recommendations are produced to address and resolve these technical problems.
Repair Service
Branell can repair faulty products. Because the components (spare parts) used for the repair are the same as those used in the original design, there is assurance that the functioning of the repaired product will be the same as that of the original product. The repaired product can be tested and verified to the original design specifications to ensure that the repaired product is fully functional.
Refurbishment Service
In general, some electronic components in a product (for example electrolytic capacitors) will age at a faster rate than others. Branell offer a refurbishment service where the components in the product that age faster are identified and replaced. In this way the operating lifetime of a product can be extended for a defined time period (usually at a much lower cost than replacing the entire product).