Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment (BBBEE)
Branell has been rated by rating agency PKF as a Value-adding supplier with a LEVEL 2 Broad-Based BEE status and with an overall Broad-Based BEE Procurement Recognition Level of 156.25%.
This is an exceptional rating for a company in the electronic design and manufacturing sector in South Africa, requiring deep commitment from Branell to Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment to exceed targets that were set by the company. Through preferential procurement, Branell’s BBBEE rating allows customers to improve their BBBEE rating and meet their own BBEE goals.
BBBEE encompasses:
Direct empowerment
Equity Ownership
HR Department
Employment Equity
Skills Development
Indirect empowerment
Preferential Procurement
Enterprise Development
Socio-economic Development